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Coronavirus in Arkansas: Governor announces no in-person classes through end of school year
Coronavirus in Arkansas: Governor Hutchinson announces school year will begin week of August 24
Coronavirus in Arkansas: Governor Hutchinson announces school year will begin week of August 24
Gov. Asa Hutchinson Discusses the First Day of School in Arkansas Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic
All Arkansas schools closed for rest of school year during coronavirus pandemic
Public schools in Arkansas closed this week due to coronavirus concerns
Coronavirus in Arkansas: Governor Hutchinson hopes to start lifting parts of state’s restrictions Ma
Secretary of Education Johnny Key & Governor talk education concerns with Covid-19 April 6th, 2020
Gov. Inslee announces closure of in-person classes for rest of school year
Arkansas Week - COVID-19's Impact on Education, One Year Later
Gov. Hutchinson supports Cares Act as covid-19 affects schools August 7th, 2020
Arkansas reaches 1,000 positive coronavirus cases | Full press conference